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When I first started this journey of homeschooling, the myth was that you could spot the homeschool moms by their denim jumpers.  But that’s just not true any longer!  If it were, we’d stand a chance of connecting with each other more easily.  Finding opportunities and resources can get difficult on your own.

There are lots of us.  Look at the numbers.  I figured since I wasn’t the only one “out there”  maybe we could connect online.

Southwest Wisconsin Community of Homeschools: an informal web network for homeschooling families throughout the hills and valleys of this beautiful corner of Wisconsin, and across the Mississippi River into Minnesota and Iowa.

Publishing Policy: SW Wisconsin Community of Homeschools posts events and other items at our own discretion. We accept information to be shared and list events on our calendar and other pages  as a public service to home educating families. If you have any questions or would like to have information included on this site, please email: swischomeschools@gmail.com OR use the contact form below.

Whether you are in and around the counties of: LaCrosse, Vernon, Monroe, Richland, Crawford, Grant, Trempeleau, Jackson, Juneau, Sauk, Iowa, Lafayette, Green, Dane, Adams — or anywhere else…

For information on homeschool community events to advice about curriculum,  I hope this could become a place for you to find answers to your homeschooling questions.

The SWISC mission:
Provide a means to exchange information,
Connect the homeschooling families in the surrounding areas,
Support a healthy, sustainable homeschooling community,
Allow creative and meaningful communication,
Inspire lifelong learning and solid homeschool relationships.

To be kept up-to-date on information posted, you can click on the handy RSS Feed button to get updates on your reader — or you can subscribe to have updates go straight to your email.

When you subscribe  you will be sent an automatic email with details of how to confirm and manage your subscription without needing to register at WordPress.com.   You can choose the frequency of receiving email updates;

and if you change your mind later, you can always unsubscribe.

Then I will cry my little eyes out.  (Just kidding.)

I hope you find the site useful and I’d love to hear from you.

Let’s journey together in our homeschooling adventure …in this mesmerizing landscape of sandstone bluffs, coulees, and small winding streams….

Southwest Wisconsin Community of Homeschools:
a web network connecting homeschooling families.

If you have any questions or would like to have information included on this site, please email: swischomeschools@gmail.com OR use the contact form below.

Thanks for stopping by.

One response to “About/Contact

  1. Greetings,

    My name is Mick Mergens. My wife and I homeschooled our son until the day
    he started college, at age 16! At that point, his math skills were so strong,
    he was hired on as one of the College Math Tutors. He went on earn
    three college degrees and today he is a full time engineer.

    My wife had her own unique way of teaching math and when I saw how well it
    worked for our son, I encouraged her to write her entire method in a series of books.
    I told her to write a curriculum so everyone could teach math the way she did.

    In 2010 my wife, JK Mergens, unveiled her math program and we named it the
    *Learn Math Fast System*. Since then, it has sold in all 50 US States and 9 other countries,
    and oh my word! You would not believe the feedback we are getting!
    People from across the globe are sending emails thanking her for this system!
    Children who were lost and in tears over math are now enjoying and
    understanding it for the first time. They tell how they have tried many other
    curricula, but none of them have worked until the *Learn Math Fast System*.
    Search the Internet for independent reviews!

    I’m reaching out to as many educators and homeschoolers as I can to let them know about this program, so they too can help their struggling students. Every book comes with a “No questions asked, 60-day money back guarantee,” but RARELY are they ever returned. These books cover 1st to 11th grade math, in a way you’ve never seen before (High School Geometry will be available later this year).

    We have a placement test, sample pages, and full details on our website. Along with a few free printables. Please re-post and share them. If your group is looking for a fundraising opportunity, we have a Promo Code Program for that too! Just contact us for the details.

    Also, be sure to read my wife, JK Mergens’ article, “Unlock Your Fidgety Child’s Ability to Learn and Focus” in The Old Schoolhouse Magazine to read why she feels the label ADHD should be replaced with a more positive name, such as Active Intellects.

    Thank you for your time,
    ~Mick Mergens
